Low and High Calorie Cocktails and Drinks

It can be difficult to figure out which cocktails and other drinks have the most calories. Listed below are some drinks that are low in calories and others that are quite high.
If you are on a weight loss plan, this guide is helpful when you want to have a drink or two:
Low Calorie Drinks
Light Beer
Anhueser Busch, Natural Light comes in the lowest of all the light beers at 95 calories. Although in fairness, most light beers come in around 120 calories or less, so any light beer is low in calories.
Shot of Tequila
One shot of tequila will cost you about 100 calories; this is pretty low overall and has the added effect of making you look like you can tolerate the hard stuff.
Spiked Lemonade
Mike’s Light Hard Lemonade has less than 100 calories and will last you awhile with slow sipping. There is also a cranberry version.
Gin with Light Tonic
Another popular drink that, by using light tonic, you can bring down to easily under 100 calories. It has a slightly bitter taste, but adding lime will help.
Low calorie wines tend to have about 92-120 calories per 5 oz (148 ml) glass. Dryer wine tends to be lower in calories and sugar than sweeter wine.
High Calorie Drinks
Long Island Tea
This drink has no tea and is the winner at 780 calories per glass. It is composed of three types of alcoholic beverages, all of which have plenty of calories.
These cousins can pack quite a wallop calorie-wise. The drinks get most of their calories from the two types of liquor that are part of the drink. One way to reduce calories is to leave out the alcohol.
Pina Colada
This combination of fruit and spirits usually reaches a cool 650 calories. Still, it remains a popular choice.
Mai Tai
A mai tai will usually pack around 650 calories. This sweet drink has lots of sugar plus several types of alcohol.
White Russian
This drink comes with about 450 calories. Mostly, this is a glass of milk (or half and half) with some alcohol to make more fun.
So, there you are. These are some drinks to consider when you need to count calories and some to drink when you are indulging.
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Sincerely, Andrew!
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